PPC or Pay-Per-Click advertising has been steadily increasing in usage year after year. It’s no secret that if you want the phone ringing and money coming in then you need to have an effective PPC campaign bringing in visitors to your website, phone number, lead form and product checkout page.
How many of you have created an ad campaign with the best intentions of blowing your business out of the water but pausing or deleting the campaign within a few days because the money coming in just isn’t as much as is going out?
You’re not the only one. In fact, a large percentage of small businesses fail with ppc early on before consulting with a ppc agency with some skin in the game to help point them in the right direction.
So how can you make ppc work for you? It’s easy I promise!
There are only 3 things you need to make sure your PPC works:
You need to have a realistic budget for ppc.
I recommend starting at $150 a day. So $3500 a month to round up a little. The average cost per action like someone filling out your lead form or calling is about $50 give or take. Also keep in mind that if you are sending emails and answering the phone it’s best to limit your campaign to regular business hours to get more impact for the time you are really in gear. A 9-5 business may even be best only running the campaign from 10am to 4pm. That way you can get in the office and make sure you and your staff are ready, and also have time to wind down at the end of the day with follow up calls, emails and last minute details.
Your level of preparedness needs to be spot on.
When that visitor comes to your website it better be good looking on mobile and have a clear phone number, call to action buttons, key products, lead gen forms, offers, chat window etc. Don’t make it too gaudy either. Let’s face it, your #1 client is probably on their phone in traffic with kids in the car driving 70. So keep it simple for the kids because their lives are probably depending on it.
The most important part is lead nurturing and client retention.
You need to have a lead nurturing process set up somewhat before you pull the trigger on your ppc campaign. Part of that is your remarketing campaign. So every site visitor will see your ads explicitly for 30, 60 or 90 days on many other websites and apps, including Facebook. Other more manual forms of remarketing are also very important. For example, if a lead comes in, you need to make sure they get subscribed to your email list which you are sending, at least, weekly emails to. These emails should be informative and also have clear offers and calls to action. You also need to make sure you are contacting your clients immediately if you are receiving leads from a lead form. Also, create follow up appointments and be prepared to discount your products and services for these customers. They cost you money and you need to make sure you are making it back even if you are breaking even in the beginning. Prepare upsells and other offers. This especially works for ecommerce because you can quickly double your ROI. Keep those clients for as long as you can. I would suggest keeping a simple spreadsheet to measure ROI. It’s important to know where you stand at all times by keeping a tight record of customers that were obtained with ppc ads.
If you have gotten this far then it’s time to start rolling up those quarters and putting this plan in motion!
We are always here to help so if you need us, you know where to find us!
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260 1st Ave. S., Suite 200
St. Petersburg, FL 33701
We are honored to be part of your success, and we thank you for being part of ours!