30 Ways to Increase Conversions on Your Website

Welcome to the new year! We all have big plans and goals for our businesses moving forward into 2020. In order to start increasing revenue we need to look at how our ad dollars are spent, where online traffic is directed and how we are converting that traffic into customers. Typically this starts with your website game! Getting traffic to your website is great, but if that traffic doesn’t convert, it’s almost useless.

In this article we will outline 30 strategies to get visitors to take action and increase your bottom line immediately, today!

1. Include as few fields as possible in your lead gen form.

When asking for information in an email opt-in form, ask for as little information as necessary.  Having 1 to 3 fields is ideal. If you have to get a lot of information, use a 2 step form where step one is auto-saved. We can help you with that!

2. Add a guarantee.

Even in 2019 guarantees still carry clout! Include a no-questions-asked refund policy on all purchases. This reduces risk, and increased sales will make up for any returns.

3. Don’t be afraid to use words that inspire action.

When testing out different calls to action, try using action language that spurs visitors to take action (for example, “grab yours,” “reserve your seat”)

4. Use testimonials.

Testimonials reduce risk and provide social proof. Use them on product landing pages as well as on your email opt-in landing page.

5. Clearly state the benefits of your product or service.

Listing the features of your product is important, but it’s even more important to tell potential customers exactly how your product will help them or solve their problem.

6. Pay careful attention to your headline.

Your headline is perhaps the single most important element of your landing page. Brainstorm at least 10 possibilities before choosing the strongest one.

7. Keep conversion elements above the fold.

Opt-in boxes and other conversion elements should be above the fold for optimal results.

8. Use video to humanize your brand.

Include a simple video on landing pages to show there’s a real person behind your brand.

9. Create dedicated landing pages for pay-per-click ads.

If you’re using AdWords or another form of PPC ads, be sure to send these visitors to a dedicated landing page (not your home page!).

10. Include subscriber or social-media follower counts.

Just like testimonials, including social proof helps reduce risk and increase conversions.

11. Incorporate strong calls to action (CTAs) into every piece of content on your site.

Let your readers know exactly what you want them to do next, whether that’s click a button, read a blog post or fill out a form.

12. Recommend related products.

Include links to related content or products to keep visitors engaged and on your site.

13. Include stock numbers.

If you have a tangible product, include the number of remaining stock with your product descriptions (for example: “Order now … only 3 left in stock”).

14. Lose the hype.

Most consumers are too savvy to fall for hype-based copywriting. Lose the hype, and focus instead on writing clear, compelling copy that helps your visitors make a purchase decision.

15. Test variations of your CTA button.

Your “buy now” or “order now” button may perform quite differently depending on where it’s placed, what color it is and how big it is. Test out several variations to see which ones perform best.

16. Tell visitors exactly what they’re going to get.

Provide visitors with absolutely everything they need to know about your product: What are the features and benefits? What does it look like? What are the possible uses? Who will benefit most from it? How will it be delivered?

17. Include a clear value proposition.

Tell potential buyers what’s special about your product. How is it different and better than every other, similar product on the market?

18. Give your visitors tunnel vision.

When creating a landing page, remove anything that could potentially distract your visitors, such as a navigation bar and other CTAs. Your landing page should be 100 percent about getting your visitors to take one, specific action.

19. Include a privacy statement on opt-in forms.

Your privacy policy can have a huge impact on your email conversions. In one experiment, changing the wording just slightly resulted in a 19 percent increase in conversions.

20. Get your visitors excited.

Use emotionally-charged language and amazing storytelling to get your visitors eager and excited to try your product. 

21. Meet the expectations of your PPC visitors.

If visitors are coming to your landing page via a PPC ad, make sure your ad copy is consistent with your landing page copy. Your ad should tell them exactly what they’ll find once they click through to your site.

22. Offer various payment options.

Believe it or not, not everyone wants to use Paypal. Consider offering a variety of payment methods to satisfy the preferences of all your potential customers.

23. Include consumer reviews for products.

There’s no doubt that consumer reviews are extremely influential in helping people make purchase decisions. In fact, according to a study by Zendesk, 88 percent of respondents said their buying decisions were influenced by positive and negative reviews.

24. Test out various color combinations on your landing pages.

Different colors can signify different things to different people (for example, light blue can be calming, while red can evoke feelings of stress or even anger). Test a variety of palettes to see which ones result in optimal conversion rates.

25. Use high-quality images.

Using generic, tacky stock photos can send the wrong message about your brand. Use professional-quality photos where possible.

26. Use CTA buttons rather than links.

Buttons are more obvious and more clickable, particularly when viewed on mobile devices.

27. Use a chat tool.

Offer live chat to help answer questions and alleviate any concerns potential customers may have.

28. Use directional cues.

Move your visitors’ attention to your most important on-page element through the use of arrows or other visual cues. Just be careful to stay tasteful — flashy red arrows generally don’t work like they used to!

29. Use pictures of happy, smiling people.

It’s commonly believed that these types of images result in the highest conversion rates.

And Finally,

30. Make sure you include contact info.

Give your customers confidence in buying from you by including complete contact info in an easily accessible location.

That’s It!

Hope you and your business have a prosperous 2019!!!

Looking for more ways to increase conversions, increase sales or bring in traffic to your website? We can help! Email Us Today at [email protected] or Call 813-498-0053

You can never quit. Winners never quit, and quitters never win

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